Andrew Jackson’s Cabinet

Specialized Agency

Andrew Jackson’s Cabinet

Historical committee based upon the issues of South Carolina’s nullification and threat of secession as well as taxation problems.

Approximate committee size: Coming Soon

Committee Topics

  • Topic 1: States’ Rights

    The Jacksonian Age was shrouded in debates over the expanse of federalism and states’ powers, stemming from Constitution, Congress, and Supreme Court Cases. Andrew Jackson’s desire to expand states’ powers conflicts with the current power balance of the National Government. As the Jacksonian Cabinet deals with economic turmoil, power imbalance in the three branches, and the development of infrastructure, they are tasked with easing conflicts both inside the Cabinet itself and across the country while the Election of 1828 looms.

  • Topic 2: America Divided and Expansion Beyond

    The end of the War of 1812 signified a beginning of tranquility in the United States, exemplified through the existence of a sole political party. This ended in the Election of 1824, where the Jackson Presidency signified a return to party politics as the country dealt with internal sectionalism, westward expansion, and the forced exodus of Native Americans. In this committee, delegates are tasked with easing sectionalism, growing executive power, and Native American relations.

Committee Chairs

  • Ally Lichtman

    Ally Lichtman, a junior at Maggie Walker, is excited to serve as co-chair for Andrew Jackson’s Cabinet. She has been involved in Model UN since fifth grade and previously served as a vice chair and co-chair at GSMUN. Aside from Model UN, Ally is co-captain of the Debate Team and organizer for the One Small Step program and Transcribe Team at MLWGS. In her free time, she enjoys playing the viola, reading, and keeping up with current events. Ally looks forward to meeting all the delegates this March!

  • Amogh Saunshimath

    Amogh Saunshimath, a junior at Maggie Walker, is thrilled to serve as co-chair for Andrew Jackson’s Cabinet. He has been involved in Model UN since seventh grade, and he has previously served as crisis director and co-chair at GSMUN. Outside of Model UN, Amogh is a part of the school’s robotics team, the Mech Tech Dragons. He also fervently participates in the economics and investment club. Outside of school, he serves as the Director of Technology for the Desi Youth Association. In his free time, Amogh loves to swim, hang out with friends, and volunteer at the science museum. He cannot wait to see all of the delegates in committee this March!